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Community Gamechangers


ESPN Ithaca has teamed up with Security Mutual Insurance to highlight individuals who have impacted our sports community.

If you know someone who has given their time and energy to local sports or the community, we want to know about them!

One person each month will be recognized during Between the Lines, weekdays at 5pm.

Let’s celebrate those making a difference, one game changing move at a time.

This Month’s Gamechanger:

Charlie Haeffner

The Odessa File

Charlie Haeffner is the editor and publisher of the Odessa File, a popular online newspaper that covers sports and news in Schuyler County. Charlie’s journalism career has spanned decades, but his commitment to reporting the news in Schuyler County has been a passion for more than 20 years. Each week, you’re bound to see Charlie at a high school or youth sporting event, providing in-depth coverage of students and their success in athletics and in the classroom.




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Previous Gamechangers:

Dave Wohlhueter

Ithaca Sports Community

Dave Wohlhueter has been a staple to the Ithaca sports community, serving as the first full-time Sports Information Director at Ithaca College and then at Cornell University for 21 years. Dave can be seen at many Cornell and Ithaca games throughout the year, showing his support for the Big Red and Bombers. He also serves as the treasurer and emcee of the Tompkins County Sports Council Football Luncheons, a not-for-profit organization that has donated thousands of dollars to the six high school football programs in Tompkins County. Most recently, Dave has helped raise money to upgrade and refurbish the press box and Schoellkopf Field at Cornell.




Rahmel Mack

Ithaca High School

Rahmel has been a familiar face at the Greater Ithaca Activities Center (GIAC) for nearly two decades, where he serves as the Coordinator of Teen and Youth Activities. He is also the head coach of the Ithaca Junior Varsity Boys Basketball team. At GIAC, Rahmel has developed numerous programs focused on leadership, academic support, community service, and youth employment. His passion for basketball has enabled him to coach countless athletes in the area. He is also deeply involved in offseason programs, teams, and summer leagues, including GIAC’s Rashad Richardson Summer Basketball League.

Gordon Begent

Ithaca Youth Bureau Recreation Dept

Gordy, IYB’s Program Coordinator, organizes sports events and clinics to connect local youth with role models. An IC grad raised in Fall Creek, he overcame challenges to succeed in school sports and now gives back as a coach and community leader, inspiring young athletes across the area.




Jason Trumble

Ithaca City School District

Jason is a dedicated principal, teacher, and coach in Ithaca, known for his commitment to supporting students and staff. As a strong advocate for the Ithaca Athletic Department, he has helped introduce programs like Unified Basketball and Flag Football. His positive impact on the community is profound, reflecting his passion for education and sports.

Dave Hatfield

Lansing BBQ Legend

For nearly three decades, Dave’s famous chicken barbecue has become a massive fundraising venture for athletics in the Lansing community. What started out as a way to help his oldest son’s school sports team has become a passion for Dave and a true commitment to the area.




Todd Mulvaney

Moravia Varsity Boys Basketball Coach

Todd is the Athletic Director and Boys Varsity Basketball coach at Moravia Central School, where his dedication and passion for sports have made a profound impact. His commitment extends beyond the basketball court to youth football and little league, showcasing his love for both the sport and his community. Todd’s unwavering dedication and heart of gold make him a deserving candidate for recognition, as he exemplifies the spirit of commitment and care every school district needs.

April Wright

Wright Fitness and Cycling

April Wright has tirelessly supported Trumansburg’s student-athletes, donating her time, energy, and money. As a fitness trainer, she leads summer workout sessions for all sports, helping kids lead healthy lifestyles. Her dedication and expertise have significantly contributed to the athletic program’s success. She’s a true role model and an amazing source of energy and enthusiasm.




Payton Flohr

Ithaca College Softball

Payton has been devoted to Ithaca College Athletics since she was a freshman in 2014. Nearly ten years later, she’s served as both a volunteer coach and the assistant/pitching coach for Ithaca Bomber Softball. Payton is always supportive, keeping her office stocked with her players’ favorite snacks and using her Physical Therapy degree to aid their recovery. Beyond softball, she constantly pursues further certifications and volunteers at various IC sporting events. She also coaches strength and conditioning at BX Player Development a few nights a week and gives pitching lessons on weekends. Payton is dedicated not only to Ithaca Softball but also to helping other local athletes reach their potential.

Michael Lockwood

Lansing Softball & Groton Youth Sports

A dedicated youth sports coach in Groton, fostering skills and relationships across football, basketball, baseball, soccer, and softball. He’s not just about his own kids; he’s transformed programs, cut costs, and now coaches JV Softball in Lansing.

Danny Akers

Greater Ithaca Activities Center

Danny Akers has dedicated decades of his life to training local youth and amateur boxers, selflessly contributing thousands of hours to the Greater Ithaca Activities Center boxing program. His unwavering commitment to the community has left an indelible mark, evident in his inclusion in both the Syracuse Boxing Hall of Fame and Rochester Boxing Hall of Fame.

Emily Ouckama

President of Taughannock Soccer Club

Emily Ouckama is the President of the Taughannock Soccer Club, which offers community soccer programs to students of all ages year-round. Her mission is to not only teach the tactics of the game of soccer, but the lessons that come with it – including teamwork, fair play, and sportsmanship. Emily is also an assistant coach for the Trumansburg girls varsity soccer team.